Everyone knows that the planet is encountering a mass number of carbon dioxide emissions especially by industrialized nations. Yet to save some money countries like Germany and Italy are going to build more coal plants, which happen to be the biggest producers of coal emissions on the planet. The executives claim that these new factories are going to be “clean” factories but that is rarely the case with a coal plant. The plan is to not release carbon into the atmosphere but to capture it and store it underground, a method that has never been accomplished at such a grand scale. And, the method itself is too expensive, costing billions of dollars, unless this method is exercised there will not be “green coal plants”.
For example, the US was attempting to used the compress and store method in Illinois but the pilot project went over its budget of $950 million to $1.5 billion this year so the program was terminated. The problem is that if the storing of coal were ever possible than what would poor countries do, seeing that their government will not have enough money to pay for the extra ten to twenty percent increase in building the plant. And, for countries like India and China that have a new plant opening almost every week that would be impossible to afford. Another concern is how to store the coal, because if it were ever to leak it could be as catastrophic as a nuclear leak thus harming thousands or even millions of people. Second the Enel, the company who is building the plant, says that they will begin to work on a productive plan by 2015 and hope they will finish by 2020. But by then the plants would have produced thousand of tons of carbon to be released to our atmosphere.
There are some good things about the plants, like nitrous oxide that is converted into ammonia and coal ash and gypsum are sold to cement industries. But in the end there is more ill done than good, so on that token they should reconsider other method of developing energy. Because if they are doing this just to save a buck well I guess that buck is going to go a long way once there is no planet or people.