Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Comment on Nahad's idea of lowering the current voting age

In regard to Nahad’s article pertaining to allowing sixteen year olds the right to vote would be a joke. I agree with her because the greatest concern on a teenagers mind is whether he/she might get invited to the party on Saturday or if he’ll make it to third base with Bridget at the party. Most sixteen year olds don’t have any kind of intelligence toward local or even national government at that. I don’t know who would think of such a preposterous idea because these children are barely coming out of puberty and wonder what is going on with their body. The moron who would be president and allow for such a law to pass (considering that Congress approves of it and is passed the bill stage) would need to be impeached immediately and taken all US citizenship rights away. This is more of a comical idea and to be seen as a far-fetched blur but when brought up it becomes both silly and argumentative. Because there might be some teenagers who are concerned with the way they are being governed but if that is the case then why don’t we all just run with scissors? If you look at voters who are 18-21 you will find that this is the lowest number of voters who come out to exercise their right. So what would compel these teenagers to go out of their party-going, pot-smoking, just got a drivers license, to vote. Or do you think that they are going to ditch class to go cast their vote and come in with an “I voted” sticker pinned to their shirt and say “ I didn’t come to class because I was to busy voting while I failed my driving test”, like Nahad said “ I don’t think not”.  To conclude why don’t we worry about greater dilemmas like healthcare, Medicare, social security, and illegal immigration instead of wasting our time with nonsense politics?


P.S. Thanks Kris for all of the great lectures and wish you the best, and hope y’all have a wonderful summer.   

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